Virtual reality in the world of ART
"Art therapy is founded on the idea that creative expression with an art therapist facilitates communication and problem solving, reduces inhibition, alleviates depressive symptoms and promotes personal development."
- Girija Kaimal, EdD,College of Nursing
and Health Professions.
Virtual reality can bridge the gap between art and realism.
Virtual Reality, as the name suggests- is a virtual simulation of the real world. There are various elements to it.
It may sound like the best companion for gaming, but the application of VR is beyond that, in fields like biology, aviation, space and cosmos study, science, movies, and now in ART.
VR is the very latest trend that is surging the art world and trends. It is now very much inclusive in Art therapies as well.

The new characteristics of art therapy in VR were eminent. VR can upgrade mental wellbeing and psychological health through innovativeness, improved creativity, intuitiveness, and critical thinking. Research shows that VR-based expressions are represented through visual articulation, produces original, creative and imaginal reactions in people subjected to VR based art therapy.

Virtual reality has become a wider platform for brimming techniques in art therapy now. The environment is very therapeutic, and artists or anyone following can get a clear headspace post-therapy. The results demonstrated that the therapists look forward to substantial potential in VR for art therapy and treatment. Researchers also suggest art therapy to be a medium to resolve real-world problems.
Art in VR can be seen as a collection, where pictures or certain highlights of pictures are utilized, cut, and appended to another work that communicates an another idea, subsequently taking into account the expression and reconnection of various parts of the human mind.

Virtual reality can also be a means to create art that is three-dimensional and computer-generated.
Art is vital for mankind. From the very beginning of the race, people have been making art. Now more than ever, people are understanding the importance of art.
So, the question at hand is.
Will the future of art, in another 20-30 years come down to Virtual Reality?
We would say that VR has now become the present. Yet, it certainly is the future, as well. In years to come, you will see more administrations utilizing VR in various manners too. That, however, more individuals will be brought into this computer-generated experience world. Perhaps, at some point, we will utilize it for something beyond art in a bigger simulation or computer games for amusement. The VR time has quite recently started and we still can't seem to perceive what's on the horizon.